NOTE! The rules in English are not abiding as the associations official language is Finnish. The rules in English should be taken with a grain of salt.
1. Associations name and hometown
Associations name is Jyväskylän Poikkitieteelliset Pannarit ry and its hometown is Jyväskylä.
2. Cause and nature of activity
Associations cause is to maintain and support pancake and other pastry related culture mainly amongst the students from University and University of Applied Sciences in the Jyväskylä region.
For its cause the association:
- can maintain its social media channels
- can publish newsletter and other information in different formats
- can acquire necessary material and tools for the associations use
- work in collaboration with associations, companies, and individuals
- organize excursions, educational events, also themed evenings and different kinds of student events
For its activity the association can, after acquiring the correct rights:
- organize fundraising and lottery
- organize paid events
- receive aid, donations and testaments
- own necessary assets for the activity
- Sign sponsorships
3. Members
As associations full member can be accepted a person who approves the associations cause. As supporting member can be accepted a private person or legal entity, who wants to support the associations cause and activity. Full members and supporting members applications are accepted by the associations board. As honorary chairperson or honorary member can be invited by the boards proposal in the associations meeting a person, who has significantly advanced and supported association activity.
4. Joining- and membership fee
Full members and supporting members charged joining fee and annual membership fee, the amount for each member group are decided in the autumn general meeting. Honorary chairperson and honorary members do not pay membership fees.
5. Board
The associations affairs are managed by the board which consist of a chairperson and 2-8 other board members and also 0-5 vice board members who are elected in the autumn general meeting.
The boards term is one calendar year.
Board selects amongst itself a vice chairperson and takes amongst itself or outside a secretary, treasurer, and other needed officials.
Board has a meeting on the invitation of the chairperson or if unable then vice chairpersons' invitation, when they see a need or when at least half of the board members request it.
Board is quorate, when at least half of its members, chairperson or vice chairperson included are present.
Votes shall be decided by an absolute majority of votes. In the event of a tie, the chairpersons vote shall be the deciding vote, but in elections a lottery.
6. Associations name signing
The name of the association is signed by the chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary, or treasure by oneself.
7. Accounting period
The associations accounting period is one calendar year.
8. Associations meetings
The associations meetings can be joined also by post or using other technical device during or before the meeting if decided by the board or by the association.
Associations meeting approves the election and electoral order.
Association holds annually two general meetings.
Associations spring general meeting is held in the timeframe of January to May and autumn general meeting in the timeframe of September to December on a date decided by the board.
In the associations meetings every full member, honorary chairperson and honorary member has one vote.
Supporting member has the right to be present and speak.
Associations meetings decision shall be if not decided otherwise in the rules, the opinion supported by more than half of the given votes.
In the event of a tie, the chairpersons vote shall be the deciding vote, but in elections a lottery.
9. General meetings invitation
The board must invite general meetings at least 7 days before the meeting.
The invitation must be sent to the members:
- by letter or email
- on the associations website or social media group used by the association
10. Associations general meetings
In the spring general meeting goes over the following matters:
1. Opening of the meeting
2. Electing the chairperson, secretary, two scrutinizers and if necessary two vote counters
3. Confirming the quorum and validity of the meeting
4. Approving the agenda
5. Presenting the financial statement, annual report, inspectors/account inspectors' statement
6. Decide approving the financial statement and freedom from liability for the board and other accountable persons
7. Go through other points mentioned in the meeting invitation
In the autumn general meeting goes over the following matters:
1. Opening of the meeting
2. Electing the chairperson, secretary, two scrutinizers and if necessary two vote counters
3. Confirming the quorum and validity of the meeting
4. Approving the agenda
5. Confirm the action plan, budget and joining- and membership fee for the following calendar year
6. Electing the boards chairperson and other members
7. Elect one or two inspectors and vice inspectors or one or two account inspectors' and vice account inspectors'
8. Go through other points mentioned in the meeting invitation.
If associations members want to have some matter discussed in the spring- or autumn general meeting, they must notify the board about it in written form in sufficient time for the matter to be included in the invitation.
11. Changing the rules and disassembling the association
The decision for changing the rules or disassembling the association must be made in a general meeting with at least a majority of at least three-quarters (3/4) of the given votes. In the invitation it must be mentioned about changing the rules or disassembling the association. When disassembling the associations funds shall be used to the cause of the association in a way decided in the disassembly general meeting. In the case of the association being abolished the funds shall be used for the same cause.